YourHead SiteMap Stack

@isaiah I have filed two request at YourHead Software regarding the sitemap stack.

My issue is That the stack is leaving a full sitemap at the bottom of every page of my website even though I have unchecked that option… I know I am running most recent version.

I have also sent a tweet

Hopefully You will see this :pray:t3::blush:

Tag @isaiah

You’re not gonna believe me when I say this but I don’t know how to tag someone. I’ve been using all this stuff since the late 90s and I’ve never tagged anyone ha ha Ha :joy::joy::joy:

So while I’m at it, let me make this even worse… Do you mean in a tweet on Twitter?

I have only one small excuse. I’m Old

:slight_smile: Just for this forum. Use the @ sign and attach a name and this person gets a message/notification that a discussion has his name in it.

Try tagging me @Macsterguy

@Macsterguy for a test… (How cool is that). That would have been good to know for a long time!! Hahaha


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