Blog stacks online


I am looking for a blog solution.
I use Foundry. I wish to publish online
and I would like to choose the date of publication of a posts? (scheduled posts)
Do you have any advice on some of these products or others?

I have identified the following solutions:

WebYep - 18 €
Poster Stack - 39 € - NO RSS feed - NO upload images directly
Armadillo - $ 39.97 - RSS Feed - upload images directly
Alloy - $ 79 - RSS Feed - NO upload images directly
Dropkick - $ 79
Go CMS - $ 149 - RSS Feed - upload images directly
PulseCMS - $ 97
TotalCMS - $ 99 / domain - RSS Feed - upload images directly
Thank you

Je suis à la recherche d’une solution de blog.
J’utilise Foundry. Je souhaite pouvoir publier en ligne
et programmer la publication de billet.
Auriez-vous des conseils sur certains de ces produits ou sur d’autres ?
j’ai repéré les solutions suivantes

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Why not use Alloy? Really nice to use. Actually a joy to use online. And you can use it on as many sites as you want.

I don’t know what “schedule ticket publication” means in terms of design. Can you tell us more? Easy to post for a future date and it won’t show until the relevant date (if that happens to be what you meant).

I also opt for Alloy.

“schedule ticket publication” = I would like to know if it is possible to choose the date of publication of a posts? (scheduled posts)

Yes. In Alloy you can set the date of a post to sometime in the future and the post will then be visible to your visitors starting on that day.

Also, have a look at the tutorial videos on this page:

The “Working With Blog Posts” video should be of interest to you.

@babgond As Adam said re: posting.

You can also set your time zone so it won’t show up until 00:01 in your time zone! A small but very nice touch.

Alloy creates 3 categories of posts that you can see on the Editor page:

  1. active posts
  2. future posts
  3. draft posts

It’s super easy to see which category a post is within. Draft posts is probably as useful as future posts. It allows you to get started with a post, but not need to finish it in one go. Useful in a variety of situations.

And did I mention the markdown editor. It’s very stylish and very comfortable to use online: computer, tablet, or phone.

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As a blog solution I recommend Poster (with the new update) and Alloy, or Pulse 5 as a flat file CMS. The 3 have their pros and cons, but all are very good :slightly_smiling_face:
By the way, I use Poster and Pulse 5 and I am totally satisfied with it.


Go CMS Unlimited will have future post capability in the next update, 2.0.1

Simply make the post date in the future and Go will display when date is reached.

I hope this helps answer your question.

it seems to me that Poster does not have the function of online edition

it’s not very clear to me. how is uploading images with alloy ?
I did not see any tutorial or screencast

Images are inserted through Markdown. The same way you’d add an image say here on the forum, like so:

![This is my alt tag for my image](

Total CMS has a full blow rich text editor that allows you to upload and insert images directly into your post content. It even works directly from your mobile devices as well.

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With Poster Stack, you are also able to online edit your posts.


Hi Mike, can you give an update on this table? From what I understand, it’s very much out of date.

Yes, in fact, as @instacks says with Poster, you can also edit online :+1:


@Bazza No, that chart is wrong in many ways. Possibly innocent mistake OR an attempt to trick people into paying higher price for their product. Who knows? :man_shrugging:

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@babgond Yes, Go CMS has a dynamic RSS feed feature.

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Total CMS for me by Joe Workman


I checked out a few of the mentioned CMS.
I had to make a wbesite for internet illiterates.

Pulse - much is possible, with integration for RW (stacks separately),
but too complicated to install (it looks like you can change a lot, but one mistake has big consequences), and in my view too complicated for setting rights to editors and such - you have to study hard to understand all the tag-settings and the working (I feel Pulse is more for webdesigners who have experience with / a feeling for code.)

Alloy - almost perfect !
I like the online editor, it has one disadvantage: you have to put a link to an image instead of uploading the image itself in the post. For my clients that is too complicated.

TotalCMS - the chosen one!
You can layout the admin-pages as you like, you can use more than one adminpage, very intuitive, and robust - it warns for mistakes, it takes care of most of the necessary links etc itself. More blogs than one on a domain. Many extra’s. One disadvantage: you have to pay for each domain you use it on - the price is set too high, I think.