Index file not uploading

For some reason my index.html is not uploading?

When I re-publish, I am not get the message “site uploaded or visit site?”

Can try to assist but need more details:

  1. Are there actually changes to publish? (indicated by a blue dot aside any changed pages)

  2. What actually happens when you try to publish? Initially it should show a window ‘exporting your site’ - does this happen? Once exported you get the actual ftp upload indicated by the orange bars. Does this happen?

  3. Do you get any error message?

1.Yes, I just made another page to check. The blue dots are there.

  1. It publishes all of the files, the blue dots disappear.

  2. No error message. It doesn’t tell me that the site is published.

So it does appear to publish but you’re just not getting notified? Try, Rapidweaver > Preferences > General > Alerts : make sure notifications is enabled.

Not sure this is the issue but worth a look.

It isn’t uploading an index.html file?

Did it previously? has it changed to an index.php following the addition of some stack or plug-in?

Where would I find that, when I look at the FTP transfer it just says “Home” I thought that was the index file

@sinclairpons Please provide what you think is the web link. Hard to figure out without that bit of info.

Why do think it didn’t? When you published all files it should have uploaded an index.html or an index.php file.

It doesn’t show in the FTP directory, I called the host and they said the index file is missing.

The server is working correctly.

Now I can’t upload any of my sites using Rapidweaver Publisher

Was working 2 days ago, not it doesn’t work.

The issue remains that after I publish from Rapidweaver is doesn’t tell me that the site is published, so apparently something is wrong??

And I just created another site to see if my site was corrupted. The new site with one page is doing the same thing, it isn’t telling me the site was published or giving me the option to view the published site??

Is there a way for me to rename the “Home” page sort has the index.html extension? I thought zI did that but it is not working either.

Maybe a screenshot of your publishing settings would help.

Have you tried publishing to a local folder?

What exactly are you getting when you attempt to publish all files( A screenshot would be good)?


My home page says “index.html”. Actually all of the pages say that and I didn’t change them.

I still don’t understand why when I publish, it isn’t telling me that it has published and I can view the site. Could the program be corrupted?

Notifications are enabled.

Without seeing your publishing settings, and seeing what exactly happens when you attempt to publish all files it’s impossible to help.

I’m running RW8.6.2 and just tested publishing (Dreamhost) and all works fine.

It could be. You can always. try downloading another copy.

Was this site there before including the home page? RapidWeaver deletes nothing.

Yes, everything was working fine yesterday. The problem started this morning when I went to update. It didn’t give me the message that the site was Published. I see it is publishing everything but appears not to complete the process as I do not receive a message it is completed and it doesn’t tell me I can view the site?