You’re welcome! Glad you got it sorted.
Fair point Matthew - I use ‘folders’ in my menus a lot and in Freeway, it was a lot easier, you just create a folder and place all the pages inside it (menus could be built manually as well as automatically). When I first came across this challenge in RW, I learned that you cannot create a subfolder in this manner and an offsite page was the way to do it so it is the only way I have ever used the facility.
Learning all the time
Thanks for your reply, I was actually thinking about going back to 721
Aha, got it! I understand why you did things the way you did. I don’t know what theme you are using now, but at some point in the future you may want to consider one of the non-theme themes: Foundry, Foundation, and a few others. They give you a lot of flexibility in terms of basic design. You have a good workaround now. And maybe all will be fine. Nor would I suggest switching at this point. But the more flexible non-theme themes may fit your overall needs even better: though all come with something of a learning curve.
I am currently using Foundation and the top bar menu is the one I use most of the time. With Freeway not being as template based as RW, I sometimes forget that if problems occur, there are more places that the problem could be occurring so you raise a good point about providing more info.
At the moment, I have kind of found a workflow which is in danger of becoming a bit “samey” - with all my sites looking the same so I am looking to get into UI Kit too to stretch myself a little. Any other recommendations would be most welcome!
I love that RW makes it easy and quick to put together a site but sometimes I do miss some of Freeway’s facilities. I am also sure that this is mainly because I need to learn a lot more about RW so I find this forum really useful and informative.
Thanks again for your help
Mark, if you need that functionality, take a look at - it may help.
If you’re using Foundation (this only works in Foundation, as far as I know), you can simply put Header tags around your name and it will make it an unclickable parent. So, the name would be <header>Parent Page</header>
Ah yes, I’d forgotten Foundation has that feature.
So do I do that in the main tree on the left or in the inspector?
On the left side, download the demo project file for foundation here:
and you can see how Joe does it. I believe he uses Offsite pages, but it will work with any page type, so just do not use the Offsite page type.
Thanks so much Guys - that’s nailed it for me!!
Just going to throw this out there, since the beginning of the web, the idea of autoplay transgresses the ideal of client control and choice.
Please don’t build websites that begin playing audio without client choice.
These suggestions may have already been mentioned, but I’ll add them to the pile away.
Provide multiple ways to sort posts, not just by dates. Blogs can be used for multiple purposes, but to do so, we need multiple ways to organize the posts.
The blog text area should accept stacks. Further to that, every plugin should support stacks. If necessary, restrict the stacks that can be used, but enable the basics.
Consolidate all of the edit functions into one toolbar. Currently functions jump from bottom to top of the screen (e.g. links, lists, etc.) On large screens like 2560X1440, chasing functions around the screen gets to be real tedious after awhile.
I understand that under certain circumstances, a function may not work, for logical reasons. Please offer up a hint as to why, rather than just leave it non functional. I realize that some of this is stack or theme related, produced by others, but perhaps some global agreement on behaviour could be reached.
Improve stability. Still too many crashes. My system is stable and other softwares rarely crash, but RW dumps out at least once per session on average.
I generally agree about autoplay except for musicians’ websites, which this is (my own).
At any rate this is a bug which should be fixed, which is within the topic of this thread.
I don’t know if it is something wrong with my install, but when I go to manage Add-ons, my themes don’t show the theme’s selected preview. The preview shows up fine in the theme browser.
Also, it would really be cool to search all the installed themes for key words like “responsive” or “one page design” etc.
I don’t really want to be able to smoke a fag while an image loads into a stack.
I don’t really want to make (and drink) coffee every time a project loads.
I don’t need to go to the WC every time a preview loads!
Firstly could I make a plea that this thread is just used for suggestions for the next release. It’s difficult now to trawl through the thread to get past the various suggestions made to other folks - obviously trying to be helpful, but muddying the waters in the process (small rant=end)
I’d love it if the ‘anonymous’ folders into which I have added stacks from different developers could have some kind of label - is that possible?
I’d love to see the error reporting working again - been stuck for at least a year and several iterations of RW…
seriously? what size images are you loading. Images stacks are lightning fast for me
Everything loads very quickly for me in RW7.2, images, preview, projects, the whole shebang.