Thanks very much @tav - I had NO idea about that particular tip, and of course you’ve completely defined the moan I had which clearly I retract. So to everyone I apologise for my minor rant earlier.
noted. thanks for the suggestion. ill add it to my list. i’m up to over 30 at the moment in my queue
It would be nice if the resizing stays wide upon the next launch of RW.
It would be great if you could use sub-themes on a page in order to also use great stacks for other themes such as Foundation.
Thanks for all the suggestions so far.
A few things:
- We want to hear what features you want and what bugs we need to fix
- Do try to stay on topic and don’t muddy the waters with too many replies
- We don’t have control over Stacks, or other third party plug-ins. So make sure to only post requests for RapidWeaver
And other than that, keep the feedback coming!
Pleas fix this!
To slow on Macpro, 3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5, 32 GB 1866 MHz DDR3, AMD FirePro D700 6144 MB!
OK, I know that it depends on how plugin works, but it’s overall very slow.
Faster on MacBook Pro 17" 3.06GHz/16GB
and iMac 27/Quad-core i7 3.4GHz/32GB/3TB_Fusion/GeForce GTX 680MX 2GB.
RW 5 and 6 had better performance!
Same suggestion I’ve made for various versions.
Reduce the footprint. Make it so those of us with a 15" laptop can more easily drag things in. There is no reason to have such big icons and blank spaces around things, or to make things disappear when the window is smaller instead of bunching things up.
*It would be a great feature if there would be a possibility to edit files (like .php) stored within the resources area.
As an example: I have a folder “pulse” in the resources, in which I stored Pulse CMS. But to use it I need to edit the “config.php”, e.g. to change the subfolder, insert the serial and so on. -
Auto-Image Compression for images added to the resources area
Maybe by including pngout, svgo mozjpg and so on…
I wish I could label the folders where I stash stacks…
@drsdayton see this post
Thx, but I mean see the labels on the folder icons themselves…
This would be a Stacks request, NOT a RapidWeaver request. You would want to contact the makers of the stacks plugin.
Hey Dan - Please make the image browser work again for external / network folders as it used to. Apple Photos / iPhoto is not a solution if you have hundreds of thousands of images
I think the answer to this one Neil is Pulse CMS with the InStacks plugin - I’m not a Foundry user, but I notice that it is the demo theme used for Pulse intergration and it seems to play well together
Ah, yes… Isiah?
Thank you!
I just found an annoying bug that should be fixed. I am using foundation and have some images on the page using the basic RW image stack. I did not enter the file name for the images and let RW name them. In the files folder created for that page on my server, I can see the list of image file names. The problem is the letters used in the uploaded file names are in CAPS but the HTML code calling the image has the letters in lower case. My server is set up so that the file names are case sensitive. The result is my images show on the page as a little x. A temporary fix was to manually change the names to lower case on my server.
Ability to add unique open-graph and meta tags to each post using the internal RW Blog plug-in.
It would be nice if custom CSS and JS would create a custom library and does not include the code inline.
Plenty of amazing features to choose from
A Redo function
Not sure whether this is a Stacks or a RW thing, but I would like a true “Redo” function to facilitate repetitive tasks - such as changing font size, or margins or padding or pretty much anything that goes on in the inspector on Stacks.
Eg. change the margin in a stack, select another stack and Redo to change the margin in that stack.
There is a shift/command Z function in Edit, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it available.