RapidWeaver 7.3 - Tell us what you need!

Better utilization of the filesharing widget would be nice. Maybe off load to another server rather than your webserver.

Big News! First public beta of RapidWeaver 7.3 is now available.

Take it for a spin and tell us what you think:

Happy Weaving!


Iā€™d like to see the big buttons in the sidebar return from RW6. I hate how you have to scroll down in the sidebar to find the setup. In a site with a lot of pages itā€™s harder to find.

One thing I find very frustrating that I could do very easily in Dreamweaver is set the text through a menuā€¦ With this I get bigger or smaller. Itā€™s pretty hard to eyeball your text sizing.

I remember that too Matthew. Iā€™d also like an in-app way to create your own text styles to use throughout the site, either modify the themeā€™s styles or create your own.

Id love to be able to collapse sections in the stacks list, for example Foundry comes with a lot and itā€™d be great to be able to collapse them.

This is not something Realmac can do for you, I would suggestion contact Yourhead and asking them. They are the makers of the Stacks plugin.


A deleted deleted deleted deleted deleted.

I would like fo the colors picking algorithm to match that of Apples so that I get the same color that I put into the color picker.


A calculator inside of RW for calculating REM to PX etc. would be nice to have.


Support for SVG files for the site logo. It looks so much sharper than jpg or png.

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Suport SVGā€™s full stop. Thatā€™s was coming in 7.1 right?

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How about SVG support? ;D

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SVG support for site logo, but also for all image drag/drop possibilities. SVGs are small, clear and support should be built into RW.

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Simple things to write, but how much can you experiment with the program interface? Buttons and colors are constantly changing, get used to one position and colour in the next version itā€™s different.

And then, can you make it so that when you edit the file names in the Resources they can select only the name, not all at once?

The color palette would not hurt to make a return to the color by default.

And if not difficult, a simple change of background, as the change of banner.

Fix the issues with Formloom 3 Formloom 3 and rapidweaver 7 problem

SVG support in logo.

Resources: badly in need of an overhaul, cumbersome to use but could be so much more if implemented properly like I have seen in other programs. Drag and drop from resources folders rather than piddling around dragging something from Finder etc.

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Here is what I need!!! Crap like this to stop!!! I am NOT using a BETA version and this has happened more than once. I usually end up needing to find out which of my STACKS are now missing after I provide the right serial numbers.

What is the problem. I did not have this problem when I used any other version besides 7.


If youā€™re having trouble with Stacks registration, then contact Yourhead.com - it is not a Rapidweaver issue.

If youā€™re having trouble with Formloom, contact http://yabdab.com - it is not a Rapidweaver issue.

(can you see where Iā€™m going with this?)

If you check out the troubleshooting guide and bug reporting knowledge base where youā€™ll find some easy steps to determine if a plugin or addon is causing the issue (and those are not Rapidweaver issues) or if it is a Rapidweaver issue (then please email support@realmacsoftware.com).


This is NOT a Yourhead issue, this is not a Yabdab issue. The issue is a systemic issue with RapidWeaver. This is a BUG with your code. My plugins for YOUR product are disappearing. If it were one product or one plugin I would suspect that vendor and did as much with Nick Kates for the Photoā€™s stack. When it is plugins, stacks and themes from different vendors it becomes an issue of the main software that integrates them.

Your pass the buck approach is beneath any decent Mac developer. The reason that we use Macā€™s in the first place is because they stand behind the whole thing, not just their particular piece of the pie. They donā€™t tell me to go to Hitachi if I have a problem with my hard drive or Nvidia if I have a video problem. I was quite clear when I laid out my issue of data integrity with RW. The ball is in your court. These are your monkeys and this is your circus.

Now quit passing the buck and fix the issue.

A Paying and Loyal customer.

Keith Flanagan

Keith@keithnteri.com mailto:Keith@keithnteri.com

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