This is random, but for some reason I get this error frequently. This happened twice yesterday and today it happened again. Yesterday I filled out the info - as best I could remember it - and pressed the send button.
This happens when I am adding images to my project. I save often, but when this error occurrs you cannot save your work
Over a year or so ago, I turned my back on RW and built my websites āby handā because of all the problems I was experiencing with RW. That said, I decided to give RW another try in light of all the upgrades that the RW guys were releasing on a near monthly basis. However, over the last few days I have begun to wonder whether or not I made the right decision to return. So, yes, I have seen this error pop up with some frequency in the last two days, but at this moment in time the software is working flawlessly for me.
In addition to the āSomething went wrongā¦ā error, I was also having issues with images not being able to be centered on the page. After the crashes all of those issues have vanished. See Chicago crossing his fingers.
In all honesty, I am feeling pretty good about all of this for the time being. Hopefully, the RW team will figure this one out as well.
I have the same Problem - RW 6.3.7 crashes and freeze my Mac. I have to restart the Mac and RW - than I see the Message again and RW starts to collect System Informations and slow down everything. My way to handle that is press cmd | alt | esc and stop RW. Then I restart RW without the āSomething went wrongā box. This is frustratingā¦
I think a lot of people have the same trouble. A simple Checkbox for āinclude System Informationā at this Report Box would help.
@chicago, I recently converted all of my sites to RW. I was using DW, and I hated it. My needs are rather simple since I have only 8 sites. I did a lot of research prior to deciding on RW. I made the decision based on the size of the community and the apparent commitment to continued aggressive development of the app, and mainly due to its flexibility and wealth of addons. It was a momentous day for me last week when I deleted DW from my computers!
Community members and developers have been extremely helpful aiding my learning of RW. I have often found that something I think may be a problem is just my lack of knowledge regarding how RW works. That said, it is always frustrating when any app crashes and you lose your work.
Oddly, most of the time I see the āSomething went wrongā¦ā error it does not crash RW. I immediately save my file and take a breath of relief!
@nikf, I will try to note the actions I take prior to getting the error message, and if I can pin it down I will report back.
I have to say that in spiite of the 'Something went wrong ā¦ ā error I think this version of RW is performing flawlessly thus far. I normally do not use the RW FTP, but I used it last night and it published my small project without a hitch.
Last evening I got the 'Something ā¦ ā error twice, but ā¦ what seemed to work was that if I saved my work in Edit mode I could save it, but if I tried to Save in Preview that is where the error would appear. To my recollection, the error only appears when you try to Save in Preview mode, not in Edit mode.
This may not be true for everyone who is experiencing this error.
Iāve had that error several times. Yesterday it was just as I was finishing a page, about to pop in the last image and POOF āsomething went wrongā. It has happened several times, and yes it doesnāt happen if Iāve remembered to save as Iām going. Each time itās been when Iām working on a stacks 3 page with images. It is a bit of a pain; luckily this time Iāve been reconstructing rather than working from scratch, so itās been easy to retrace my tracks.
if nothing else this issue will force us to save more frequently that we normally would. Normally, of course, varies from user to user, but as we all know saving infrequently is begging for trouble regardless of the software app we are using.
I got this error today for the first time ever. I had clicked publish all. I had the ftp bookmark window open, not sure that had anything to do with it though. Iām hopeing this isnāt a sign of things to come.