just out of interest what version of Rapidweaver is everyone using? I’m currently on 6.4 but will be upgrading to 7 within the next month or two. And for those already on 7 what are your thoughts on it?
I’m also using 6.4@jamie1
7.0.3 and very happy with it. Converting older projects to 7 has been fault-free. I have had no publishing issues at all and it is very very fast. Some of the new features in 7 are very useful such as the SEO health check and portable documents. Also, the new built in web server allows better previewing. I did use 7.0.4 but had a couple of glitches so have gone back to 7.0.3 am holding back for the moment
Still using 6.4 but will upgrade to 7.x soon - but still waiting for less problems
I’ve found version 7 quite good. But … there are some bugs to be ironed out. I also use PHP code a lot and currently that means I can no longer preview my pages. RM are looking for a resolution to this problem as it impacts several of us: but may be a non-issue for you.
The main reason I started using RW7 in early June is that is my most relaxed time of the year. So, even bug free, it’s fair to expect the need to adapt a bit. I would suggest moving over once you have some relatively calm time in your work life. Then any hiccups will seem minor and you won’t stress out. If that time is now, then by all means upgrade. If it means later in the year, then wait. While 7 is better than 6, I would not say that 7 has features that I need or can’t live without. I could easily keep using 6 for awhile if it was needed.
Still using 6.4 but testing 7.0.3
7.0.4 - just updated today from 7.0.3. I’m enjoying 7 more than 6 Its a bit more user friendly in an easier context. The new Health Check is super helpful, making things more streamline.
I am using 7.0.3 due to the issues people are having with 7.0.4 I won’t upgrade until the issues are fixed. I do love 7 over 6 though.
Still using 6.4 and won’t upgrade until the issue with PHP code and the new Preview function is sorted out. Basically, a site that relies heavily upon PHP (such as Sitelok) can’t be previewed like it can in RW 6, which is a deal breaker for me.
I’ve been using v7 since beta. Now i’m running v7.0.4 - it has some issues but i like it a lot more than v6. I am unable to move some project to v6 so with those i’m suck with v6. RW v7 sometimes crashes, but still I prefer it to v6. It’s a lot faster, has better UI which makes creating websites speedier. I couldn’t go back to v6 although it would be nice if it did not crash on me.
6.4. I have 30 or more client sites running at the moment and can’t afford to find out whether I’m one of the unlucky ones for whom RW7 doesn’t do this or that. The upgrade looks nice but doesn’t have any deal-breaking features that mean I have to have right now. I’ve been using RW since 3.7 and will definitely upgrade - just not right now.
Recent additions to the RW multiverse are also making me re-consider my recent flirtation with WordPress. I’m not sure it’s worth the hassle of trying to learn something so mahoosive and so weirdly clunky at this stage of the game.
I accept that WP has an enormous number of sophisticated plugins, but most of the things my clients want - the ability to edit text, image galleries, to blog and so on - are covered by products like Total CMS, Pulse, Kuler Edits and more.
And interestingly, many of those people who demand to be able to edit stuff then never make any changes at all!
@robbeattie I am sticking on 6.3.8 with 7 on the shelf until i see a few months without reports here. I too have many customers with RW6 built sites so could not possibly consider a move to a new version so early on in the cycle.
It’s always important to have a backup plan and there are some seriously good looking alternatives that are progressing at quite a pace.
I too have experienced the “I must have this feature” and then the client never uses it. Also I see the other situation where a client has gone down the WP route and ends up with a Calendar widget that doesn’t work as advertised or is too disruptive to their workflow that they are not happy with the WP solution. Some of those WP Widgets can be too attractive and too easy to buy into for some clients.
Wait, I “upgraded” to 7 and have had 6 weeks of problems with exporting, still can’t publish or export my whole project and need to publish page by page. The only support I get is a suggestion to try the next Beta…
I’m on 6.4 and will be for a while longer, I too have clients and I can not risk down time. I’ve been on (and off) RW since RW3. 6.4 is very stable for me. I’ll wait
Currently on 7.0.2
Works well majority of the time. Once in a blue moon I run into a publishing issue, but generally speaking it has been very stable for me.
I am using Version 7.0.4 (17842)
6.4 until PHP preview problem in 7 are fixed.
I’m using 7.0.4. No problems to report.
7.0.4 and I am having some issues with publishing and crashes
Only some minor issues. No ftp or preview problems.